The Junior Legal Pad

This tip sounds lame and simple but I have been doing it for over a month now and I have been virtually stress free. This works best if you are using your inbox and emptying it daily. If you don't empty you inbox daily this next tip will start to become unreliable and will most likely not accomplish the task of keeping everything out of your head and at the same time getting it all done. So here is the tip: Get a bunch of Junior Legal Pads and put them everywhere, (car, office, kitchen, bathroom, by your bed, etc.) Make sure you also have pen with each of them. Then when ever you think of something that you need or want to do, write it down. I.E. get dog food, call so-and-so, pay phone bill, plant flowers, you get the idea. After you write something down, put it in your inbox. When the time comes to empty your inbox (daily) take the proper action: add it to your to do list, someday maybe list, tickle it, do it, whatever, but DON'T LEAVE IT IN THE INBOX! Sounds simple but it is an amazing tactic that works. One more thing, why Junior Legal Pads? They are small so you don't feel bad about writing one thing and tearing it out, and they tear out clean and easy.

So there tis. Remember the goal of GTD is to get more done and keep your mind "empty". This tip pulls all the tools together and it works.


Just Tickled in Indiana said...

I can't wait to be..."tickler-ed"? However if I have 43 folders (12 months + 31 days) where is my inbox. Or better yet - WHAT is my inbox. I am supposed to wait for "more on this later" but it's seems I can not wait in anticiaption anymore!

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